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Child for Child programme
Children are the future of a nation. They are makers of change. They play a pivotal role in influencing their surrounds. It is therefore crucial to “Catch Them Young”. And inculcate in them the compassion – to empathize, and the conscience – to act responsibly.
The Child for Child (CFC) programme is such an initiative of Life and vision that sensitizes privileged children of the existing disparities in the social order and motivates them to contribute their individual mite towards the cause of the less privileged. It brings together children from both the backgrounds – affluent and deprived, in an attempt to foster in the affluent children a sense of responsibility towards their less privileged counterparts, early on in life.
Before their minds are set with age, the CFC programme tries to make them count their own blessings and understand the plight of the less privileged ones.
And once they start realising the worth of the privileges they are born with, they automatically turn their thoughts towards positivity and develop the right outlook. This eventually helps them develop into not only superior but successful personalities in life. In addition they grow up to become who individual development actors who contribute positively to the society.
CFC currently reaches out to nearly 2 million children in 2500 schools, in 16 states. Over the years it has moved ahead from only creating awareness among people, to getting large scale participation from them in its national level events.
Every one of us, at some time in our life, feels like contributing towards the betterment of the society. But among the various obstacles faced by many of us in doing so, are limitations pertaining to time. In order to tackle these and give you the opportunity to support our cause of uplifting underprivileged school children in India, The Life and Vision Foundation has made volunteering provisions that will give you the freedom to spread our message without disturbing your schedule. Read on to know more about the volunteering options at Life and Vision.
Working for women empowerment since years. Takes up cases of dowry harassment, working women rights, etc., Community campaign for communal harmony. Also runs women empowerment and welfare campaigns to engage shelter-cum-helpline for distressed women.
Working for the socio-legal and Economic development of women in the state. Takes care of children of prisoners, destitute women. Organises self-help groups and cooperatives for slum women. Has facilities for counselling and dispute settlement in domestic violence issue.
Officially called Life and Vision Organization for empower underprivileged children and youth through relevant education to practice and promote good governance, functioning as a non Govt undertaking. Organizes training workshops and arranges social development initiatives.
This Movement for Youth Awareness works with underprivileged youth and children in and around the city. Has a unique vocational training for street children with Good education and opportunities.
There are various ways in which we can contribute towards society’s progress. It’s relatively easier to support a cause pertaining to the Upliftment of underprivileged children. Every child loves an entertaining event like an art and craft workshop or a magic show. Each of us can make a difference to the lives of these children in various ways. Either you can initiate and organize an event at a Government school where Life and Vision provides meals or you can be part of an event that is Organised by the Organisation. It’s your choice! The Life and Vision Foundation has organized numerous events that have assisted in fundraising to support our cause.