Registration Number: BKIV 60/13-14

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Who We Are

- Imagine pulling out your child from school just because you are unable to find a job that pays enough to support your family.
- Imagine your daughter could not attend school just because it has no toilets.
- Imagine entire generations of your family being born into bonded labour, with no hope of breaking free.
- Imagine a country. Call it India, if you will, where 10,000 Indians died from entirely preventable causes.

Outrageous? Yet 10,000 children die every single day in India. More than in any tsunami, flood, earthquake, famine or war. Half of India's children are deprived of their fundamental right to education every day. Two million Indian babies die each year before they celebrate their first birthday. Millions of India's children go to bed each night hungry, hopeless and angry. We as a nation, seem quite content to tolerate this violation of their constitutional rights.

It is because of this reality that Life and vision - Child Rights and You exists today - to amplify the voice of children. We believe that children are citizens in their own right, entitled to the full spectrum of human rights.

At Life and vision, we do not believe in charity. Nor do we run schools, orphanages or dispensaries. Instead we partner grassroots-level NGOs working with children, their parents and communities. Over 30 years of working with and for children have taught us that resources have little to do with it. In over 13000 villages and slums across 20 States, we have witnessed transformational change happening. All it takes is communities becoming aware of their rights and coming together to ensure them. Not just by enrolling children in schools but by addressing the root causes that keep them hungry, illiterate, exploited and abused. Causes like gender, caste, livelihoods and displacement.

In a nutshell, life and vision believes that the rights approach is the only one that works. And because the alternatives are not just ineffective but illegal and unjust.